Trading on the Russian stock market opened on Friday with a decrease in the prices of most blue chips amid mixed signals from external sites, the Moscow Exchange and RTS indices sank 0.1-0.5% per minute of trading, while RusHydro’s papers are growing on a good half-year report under RAS.
By 10:01 Moscow Exchange index fell by 0.1, to 2186.26 points, the RTS index fell by 0.5%, to 1132.38 points; the prices of the majority of „blue chips” on the „Moscow Stock Exchange” fell by 1.4%.
The dollar rose by six kopecks, to 60.88 rubles.
Shares of Severstal (-1.4%), Norilsk Nickel (-0.8%), MMK (-0.7%), Polymetal (-0.6%), Gazprom (-0 .5%), Rosneft (-0.5%), Surgutneftegaz (-0.5%), NLMK (-0.4%), AFK Sistema (-0.4%), Magnit (-0.4%), Yandex (-0.4%), LUKOIL (-0.3%), Sberbank (-0.3% and -0.3% prefs) , Tatneft (-0.3%), MTS (-0.3%), Gazprom Neft (-0.2%), TCS Group receipts (-0.2%), Aeroflot papers (-0.1%), Moscow Exchange (-0.1%), VTB (-0.1%), Inter RAO (-0.1%).
The shares of RusHydro (+1.6%), PJSC Polyus (+0.7%), UC Rusal (+0.5%), NOVATEK (+0.3%), ALROSA ( +0.1%), OZON receipts (+0.1%).